The slippery slope of comparison.

Comparison is a constant struggle for me.  More times than I care to admit, I compare myself to others— physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, vocationally (or any other way you can think of!)   Name something that I can compare or measure against, and I’m guilty of doing so.  I’m working to arrest this behavior in myself. They say the first step is admitting it, right?

Today I want to introduce you to my friend Delaney Woodward.  She’s a youth pastor, a mama, a disciple of Jesus, a devoted wife, and a talented writer and dreamer.  It would be easy to compare myself to her and see all that I lack. Instead, I’d love highlight the beauty she has created in the form of an online magazine called True&Lovely.  This quarterly gem is filled with a variety of articles including health, beauty, devotionals, recipes, book reviews and stunning photography.

Delaney and her team have found a way to showcase the talents and gifts of many insightful, inspiring women in this gorgeous publication.  Instead of comparing, T&L is cheering, uplifting, encouraging and highlighting others!

If you are looking for meaningful conversations and thought-provoking articles, do yourself a favor and subscribe today!

If you’re wondering what all this has to do with comparison, read the full story over at T&L in my article called  “You do You”. While you’re there be sure you check out articles by all the other amazing contributors.

{You can also find my devotional from the winter issue,  “Becoming a Godly Container”.}

Enjoy!  I pray you will be inspired to love others and love God as you peruse the content there. You can also follow the magazine on Instagram.

P.S. In case you missed all the links, click the photo above to head straight over to True and Lovely’s spring issue.

P.P.S. If you know someone who struggles with comparison, or is looking for great online content, please share this post!