Envy. A gut-honest assessment.

“Hi, my name is Sarah. And I envy.”

Their house. Beautifully Decorated. Amazing Paint Colors. Tastefully Appointed Furnishings.

Their kids. Immaculately dressed. Impeccable Manners. Interesting Conversationalists.

Their career. High-powered meetings. Cute Corporate Clothes. Extra Money in the Budget. Significance in the Real World.

Their faith. Perfect discipline. Dedicated quiet times. Bible Study Afficianado.

Their brand. Spot on Marketing. Gorgeous website. Killer content.

Their: clothes, landscaping, looks, figure, income, vacations, friends, church, family, marriage.

I admit it.

I envy.

Pretty much the whole list of things you just read. And many more.

Book contracts. Websites. Speaking calendars, chock full of big-time engagements. Prestige. Acknowledgement.

Being someone.

I know what you’re thinking. “That’s sooooo not ok.” Or you’re thinking (if you’re honest), “I’ve been there. I am there.”

Today, I opened my Facebook and read about a dear friend who landed a HUGE BOOK CONTRACT. Whew! It took my breath away. I would love to say my first reaction was unabashed joy for her.

Well, since we’re getting real, I admit, it wasn’t.

First, I envied. Then I caught myself, and began to cry. I wasn’t going to wallow in the horrific place my enemy would love to see me stay in, I was going to rejoice with my friend! And after the brief (thank God) moment of envy, I called her voicemail and genuinely cried tears of joy for her accomplishment! I was happy for her. Honestly.

This is a HUGE deal, and she didn’t just get handed it. She worked her tail off for it. 7 years, countless rejections and unending hours of solitude at a keyboard trying to capture her thoughts into often elusive phrases. She did it!

But here’s what I’m learning:
Envy can paralyze us. Or, it can empower us.

It’s up to us to decide how it will affect us. And believe me, even if you think it won’t, it will – one way or another.

Like many things: the first step is admitting you have a problem.

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Prov. 14:30


When we are faced with the demons of envy, we have choices. How we choose determines if we will have peace, or festering insides consumed by our false idea of how wonderful life is in our neighbor’s gorgeously manicured yard. photo courtesty of sxc.hu @discy

Choose wisely.

Do you struggle with envy? How do you handle it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.