Junk. Do You Keep or Clean Out?

We are in the process of cleaning out our house because we are moving. (See our newsletter for more details- if you don’t get it already you can sign up to receive it here)

One of the first things we did was order a dumpster. This has proved amazingly valuable for us in the past because if you have a dumpster you can look at things differently.

For example: If you’re cleaning the basement and don’t want that old artificial Christmas tree with the broken lights that doesn’t stand straight anymore, you have to make a choice.

1. Throw it away.
2. Give it away
3. Keep it and hope to fix it someday
4. Sell it.

If you don’t have enough room in your garbage, the tossing it option is out. And then you find yourself stuck with a pile of stuff you still don’t want and no one else really does either…

By the way, we completely filled our dumpster. It was so gratifying the day they removed it – knowing that huge obnoxious eyesore was GONE from my driveway.

But then I found myself in my bathroom with no “throw away” bucket big enough to begin the task of sorting through the medicines, hotel shampoos and other various sundries that have cluttered my closet and cabinets for over 7 years. The small waste basket behind the toilet just wasn’t sufficient for the task. So every time I went to shower I kept thinking “if only I could just get started on this monumental project.” But each time I found myself avoiding it.


I didn’t have a container big enough to handle all my stuff.

My experience reminds me of life…

Often we keep unnecessary “junk” because we don’t have a convenient or sufficient disposal option. We might try to give it away to someone else (dumping), or even “sell it” (a really persuasive gossip session) or put it in a closet for later (stuffing our emotions). When in reality, if we used the proper method for getting rid of our unwanted baggage, we’d be thrilled with the results (a completely full dumpster in my driveway…taken away!!!!!)

When we go to God he will “Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” Not only that, he promises to remove them far, far away!

What are you hanging on to? “Order a dumpster” and get rid of it!