5 Worthwhile Resolutions for 2014. (Not diet or exercise!)

I dread opening my inbox this time of year, for fear of the onslaught of “quick fixes”, promises of prosperity, and weight loss/exercise information. It’s almost more than I can bear. Partly because I feel guilty for all I want to do, but know I cannot achieve. Partly because I have no desire to add another demand on my time.

photo courtesy of sxc.hu @ba1969

photo courtesy of sxc.hu @ba1969

But the beginning of a New Year is an excellent occasion to take stock and make new priorities…however, they must be priorities and resolutions worth keeping.

Part of my problem with resolutions is they are so inward focused all the time. Lose 20 pounds. Run a Marathon. Start eating healthy. Workout more.  Hire a trainer.


These are all worthwhile endeavors in and of themselves, but there’s such a focus on “SELF” in our society, of course that’s what our resolutions look like.

But they could be so much more.

What if we resolved to resolve in a way that focused on OTHERS instead this year?  Then our resolutions would make the world a better place, not just ourselves.

In the spirit of looking OUTWARD in 2014, here is my list to consider:

5 Worthwhile Resolutions:

  1. Love Your Neighbor.  It’s easier than you think to love your neighbor.  Try making them a meal or sharing some baked goods you’ve already made for yourself.  And if you’re short on ideas check out mine.
  2. Use Your Talents.  Many of us have talents that we’ve chosen to hide or bury.  Dig up one of those skills (photography, decorating, scrapbooking, gardening, calligraphy, writing, shopping, organizing) and use it to bless someone else.
  3. Be Present.  In our busy, computerized world, there’s nothing more important than focusing on those we love when we are with them. Implement a Technology Free Night once a week, (or month) where no one in the family uses any “devices”, TV, computers or screens of any kind!  Imagine what it could look like to be fully present with your family.
  4. Date your Mate. Whether you’ve been married for 1 month, 1 year or 30 years, it’s always a good idea to date your spouse.  Don’t let your relationship become a roommate situation where you just co-exist and do your own thing.  Be intentional and create time for just the 2 of you.  It’s imperative that you spend time together, alone, remembering why you fell in love.  Do this often.  Repeat.
  5. Schedule that Lunch Date.  How many times have you said to someone, “Let’s get together for lunch sometime?” (or coffee, or dinner, or golf, or…)  Make a point to connect with that person you’ve been meaning to get together with and put it on the calendar.  You won’t be sorry you made it happen, instead of just issuing empty promises.

What are your resolutions for the year? Do you have any outward focused resolutions to share?