My Word for 2017: Trust

A few years ago I was inspired by author and speaker, Mary DeMuth who wrote about choosing one word for the year to be her inspiration and focus.  (Here’s Mary’s word for this year) I also found this website called OneWord365 a website dedicated to the pursuit of finding one word each year to guide your way.  It’s a great process to go through, and even though it’s been a few years since I chose a word, I love this concept and it’s really centered me on the right things in years past.

My word for 2012 was “presence”.  My word for 2013 was “real.”  And well, my words for the next few years weren’t. But I’m back for 2017 with a doozy!

My word for 2017 is: Trust.

I’ve been sick as the New Year emerged and therefore had a slower start with a few extra days at home.  As I cleaned up Christmas and tried to get my life organized, I kept thinking about what lies ahead.  A book launch, a daughter graduating from High School, another mission trip to Haiti, only one teenager left in the nest come fall. When I think of it all, I get a bit anxious.

The to-do list, the what’s-next-for-our-family, the will-my-babies-be-okay-without-each-other, the will-she-pick-the-right-college, the will-he-change-his-major-again, were all causing me sleepless nights.  I was filled with those unproductive kind of thoughts that produce anxiety, not fruit.

And that’s when it hit me.


It’s always a good idea to trust.  But in this case, it’s essential.  Like as in, make it your word—your anchor— as you move forward in 2017, Sarah.

I’ve done what I can do.  I’ve written the book, and have worked hard to be sure it soars.  I’ve raised my people the best I know how, and I have to let them soar too.  Nothing gets better with worry.  That can only lead to misused time and more anxiety.  (Tomorrow has enough trouble of its own right?)


And after two or three days of pondering the word “trust” in my head, isn’t it just like God to give me undeserved confirmation of the truth he wants for me this year?

This morning I opened a copy of the Message Bible which had been tucked away to make room on the coffee table for Christmas decorations and was just returned to its proper station.  I decided to play “what page should I read today?” and chose the ribbon bookmarked page as a starting point.  Here’s what I read,

Enter Your Text

Don't forget to enter in your text.

Enter Your Text

And if that wasn’t enough?

I got this text from a friend,

Enter Your Text

Don't forget to enter in your text.

Enter Your Text

And right after that?  I opened my devotional, Jesus Calling and read this:

Enter Your Text

Don't forget to enter in your text.

Enter Your Text

Trust, it is.

So, I’m no longer wondering if this is my word for the year.  I’m embracing it like a toddler embracing her favorite stuffed animal!  God has spoken (through friends, devotionals and the Bible!) My job is to listen and obey.

Or should I say, trust?

[reminder]What about you? What word will you choose for 2017? [/reminder] [guestpost]photo courtesy of @Berkeley Robinson[/guestpost]