So what is a #hashtag anyway?

At our February “Seasonings with Sarah” we talked about the social media phenomenon of using #hashtags. A hashtag is a # symbol followed by a clever combination of words with no spaces, or even a company or product name. If you watched Super Bowl commercials or spend anytime online using Facebook or Twitter, you’ve likely seen lots of #hashtags.

Because we don’t want to be left out, Salt and clay has created our own brand #hashtag:

It’s our way of encouraging you to think about how you can #besalty in your daily life.

Some ideas: bring a meal to a neighbor, do a favor for a friend in need, pray for someone who’s hurt you, share your “story” with someone, do something out of the ordinary for God…you get the idea!

And WHEN you are #supersalty (get the idea?) send us an email at, post it on our Facebook wall, tweet it to your friends, or shout it from the rooftops! Just be sure that if you’re writing it on Facebook or Twitter you mark it with #besalty!

Think of it as our little way to show the world what Jesus meant when he said,
“You are the salt of the earth.”