Is time a god or treasure in your life?

I’m doing a bible study by Kelly Minter called, No Other Gods. One of the things we are asked to do is make a list of our “functional gods” or those things that inherently aren’t bad, but become a god in our lives because of how we focus, prioritize or serve them.

In other words, they are replacing the One True God, in our lives.

Ashamedly, I have more of these sneaky little gods than I realized. And they have robbed me over the years. It’s quite a convicting exercise to begin to name them…

One of the gods in my life is ‘Time’.

Although it’s good for me to guard my time intentionally, it can sometimes become an all powerful force – dictating what I say yes and no to and how I spend my days. This becomes a slippery slope when I allow my needs, desires and to-do list to override how God wants me to use my Time.

That’s the catch.

If I consider my time a “treasure” as described in the parable of the talents I should recognize that it’s a gift from the Master. Entrusted to me, just like my skills, talents, abilities or finances, from God – on loan.

My job is to be a wise steward of the gift of Time just like any other gift He gives.

I’m working on it.

Do you have any functional gods that you wrestle with?