Getting out of the place called doubt


Photo source @melodi2

Yesterday I was working on my book when I was overcome with feelings of doubt.  Why am I even writing this?  Will anyone read it?  Surely there’s other, better resources out there.  No one needs my book.  And by the way, I’m a terrible writer.  Who would publish this? 

I wonder.

Do you have your own vulnerable spots where doubt creeps in?

Do you doubt your ability to do anything, much less the next right thing?  Do you lack confidence? Clarity of God’s calling? Or even what you think he wants you to do today?  Do you think you’re a terrible daughter, wife, mom, friend?  Do you doubt your vocation or ministry?  Do you struggle with feeling useful, purposeful, valuable?

I’ve had those doubts, too.

These doubts are not of God.  That much I know.

I also more easily recognize when I arrive at that yucky place (years of experience on this particular road).  And I know I’ve gotta get outta there fast!

Thankfully, there is hope for us weary travelers trudging along the road of doubt.

Valuable strategies to navigate your way back to Truth 

Talk to your Cheerleaders

It is essential to have people on my “team” who believe in me, and will tell me so.

Especially when I’m in a crisis spot where I am listening to the wrong voice.  So many times I just need someone to speak truth over me.

Things like: what God believes about me, what my true talents and giftings are, that I’m doing the best I can do, that if I press on in faith things will be clearer each day.

That God loves me, no matter what I do, or don’t do.

If you don’t have cheerleaders, get busy, friend.  Find a pastor, a counselor, a trusted Christian friend, a mentor, a family member, a spouse.  You need a truth teller and cheerleader for when the wrong voices are louder than the right ones.

Do you have someone to cheer for you?

Silence the Enemy’s Lies 

It is no secret, whether you like to admit it or not, there is an enemy who wants to take you out.  If you are working for the good of the Kingdom, your family, your faith, your church, your ministry, your friends, the enemy prowls around seeking to destroy you.

We cannot give him a foothold.

Not one stinking, solitary inch.

He is a liar and a thief, and he wants to rob you of joy, purpose, calling, worth, and anything else he can get his hands on.

We can’t let him.  We have to be aware of his tricky strategies and call him out right away.

Will you stand firm against temptation to listen to the wrong voice?  

Savor Truth from His Word

For me, the fight against doubt and the enemy’s lies, starts with this scripture:

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  2 Cor. 10:5

We can’t fight lies unless we demolish the arguments – often manifested as doubt – which go against the knowledge of God.

We need to replace false beliefs (I’m not worthy, I don’t do anything that matters, I am bad at ______,  I will never… ) with Truth!

God’s word says:

  • Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.   (No one else has power to speak over me!)
  • God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
  • I am chosen.
  • I am loved.
  • I am forgiven.
  • I am wonderful.
  • I am fearfully made.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am His.
  • While I was yet a sinner, he loved me enough to save me!
  • He has a plan for me.
  • He will not keep his best from me.

(If you need more Truth, use Bible Gateway, and search any of the words/phrases above.)

Will you let God’s Truth wash over you?

Do Something Small

When we feel like doubt is getting a strangle hold on us, we need to begin fighting back.

One way is to do the next thing in front of us.

It might be making dinner.  Putting your kids to bed.  Calling a friend (cheerleader!). Opening God’s word.  Speaking truth out loud (use those above).  Taking a shower.  Brushing your teeth.  Getting out of your pjs.  Heading to work.  Loading the dishwasher.   Typing a few words.  Singing a few notes.  Sending a few emails.  Making a to-do list.

The key is moving forward, however slowly, in faith.

Focused on what you know how to do, not the doubts or lies you were believing for a second there.

Before you know it, you’ll be on the road back to Truth.

And doubt will be left in the dust. 

[reminder]What strategies do you have to conquer doubt in your life? [/reminder]