Ever feel like quitting? 3 ways to get out of the rut.

I have a confession to make.

I have been blogging now for over 4 years. And sometimes I just want to quit.

There. Now I’ve said it. I’m giving you the honest truth.


Because something tells me you’ve been there too. Or maybe you’re there now. At the point of quitting, that is.

Maybe it’s not blogging, but something else you that just doesn’t feel the same anymore…

A Relationship. A Project. Your Job. Your Marriage. Your Church.

No matter how you slice it, it’s a lie.

You’re not supposed to quit. God did not give us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of power, love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Here’s a few ways to get out of your rut:

Often when we’re in the midst of a discouraged time it’s because we have no fuel in our tanks. No wonder we don’t want to keep pressing on the gas…there’s none there! When we feel that way, it’s time to seek Him first. When we are not filled up with something other than ourselves, it’s very hard to pour out for others – no matter what you’re doing.

Even Jesus – the most gifted Orator, Healer, Teacher, Miracle worker, Lover of Souls, Disciple, Son, Friend to Many- needed time alone to pray and restore.

Seek encouragement from others.

Often we wait for inspiration to strike us like a lightning bolt and kick us right back into action. But it’s up to us to seek help from others.

We weren’t meant to do life alone. Often we don’t seek advice, encouragement or help because we are PROUD. We think we should have it all together and not need anyone’s help. But that’s simply not true. The Apostle Paul boasted in his weakness, because then God could work through him more powerfully. And it’s our fellow brethren that can become the Earthly form of God’s voice prompting us:

Just. Keep. On.

Do it anyway.

If you have kids, you know you’ve said this a hundred times. But why is it so hard for us to heed our own advice?

Often the act of just starting a task holds us back. It doesn’t have to be perfectly planned out, just begin.

When I sit down to write, many times I have no idea what will come out onto the page. If I spend too long stewing about it, I stop before I begin. But If I just begin typing, the words come, even if they aren’t perfect at first. The mere act of getting started is all I need. Then I’m off and running.

If this doesn’t work – go back to praying and seeking encouragement…then try again!

At least for today I’m writing again. And it feels good.

Is there a time you felt like quitting? What ways do you get out of the rut?