3 ways you can be a game changer this Christmas

The following is an excerpt of today’s live presentation of “Seasonings with Sarah” held at Dunn Bros Coffee in Eden Prairie. Please join us on the THIRD WEDNESDAYS of the month in 2012 at 9:30 a.m.

The last blog, gave 3 reasons Christmas was a game-changing event of epic proportions. We promised to tell you how you could become a game-changer because of Christmas.

Today’s blog is based on the Christmas story as told in Luke 1-2, and Matthew 1-2 (read it!). In these pages of scripture we learn about 3 Game Changing contributions made by three players in the Christmas story who show us how it’s done.

Game changing contribution #1: Encourage

In Luke 1:39-45 we hear about how Elizabeth affirms and encourages Mary. Mary has become pregnant through the Holy Spirit while betrothed to Joseph. Mary is distraught, but trusts God for her future. She leaves her home town and heads to the hill country of Judea to see her relative Elizabeth who is also pregnant (in her old age). The two have an instant bond when Mary arrives, but the real game changer is when Elizabeth affirms Mary. She says to her, “Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished.” Luke 1:45

These two relatives were both pregnant in very unlikely circumstances that would produce lots of gossip and criticism in their social circles. But Elizabeth changes everything for Mary because she validates Mary’s experience and lets her know that she is blessed for believing God – not crazy like some might have said!

What experience have you had that you could share with someone to encourage them?

Game-changing contribution #2: Testify

As told in Luke 2:8-18, the Shepherds were keeping watch over their flocks at night when a Heavenly Host of Angels appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them…telling them to go and see the King who would be born in Bethlehem. Not only were they compelled to go to Jerusalem to see for themselves, but “when they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed…” Luke 2:17-18

I’m sure that the other shepherds might have experienced distrust, wonder, doubt, even jealousy upon hearing this account. But that didn’t stop the Shepherds from trusting God, praising Him and testifying to the wonder of all they’d seen and heard.

What has God done, big or small, that you need to tell others about?

Game Changing Contribution #3: Sacrifice

It turns out that the quaint manger scenes adorning our homes, replete with Wise Men aren’t necessarily accurate. Actually the Wise Men, or Magi, would have traveled for some time, over thousands of miles coming from the East to Jerusalem. (Matthew 2:1-12) When they arrived Jesus was thought to be one or two years old, living in a house with Mary and Joseph. The Wise men sacrificed much more than their gifts of wealth in the form of gold, incense and myrrh. They first traveled great distance, leaving family and homes. Then they faced Herod, who pretended to have noble intentions when it came to Jesus, asking the Magi to be sure to notify him of Jesus’ whereabouts, when Herod actually wanted to have Jesus killed. Following their gift giving, they sacrificed safety and security, because “having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.”

The Magi could have told Herod where Jesus was, but instead, they risked their lives by not reporting back to him and heading back to their countries, (no doubt looking over their shoulders the whole time) by an entirely different route!

Is God asking you to sacrifice by taking a detour, giving of your time, or relinquishing some of your wealth or possessions?

Don’t let another December 25th go by without recognizing YOUR part in the game-changing event of Christmas. Will you become a game changer?