Warning: It will be here before you know it.

graduation-298822-mPeople warned me. Over and over again. They said, “It will be here before you know it.” I think I heeded their warnings; tried to be fully present and savor the moments – good and bad. But no matter the warnings, the floodgates are opening. And we are now in countdown mode. In less than 24 hours, my oldest son will graduate from High School.

The time is here.

Maybe I’m overreacting because it’s our first. Maybe I’m more teary-eyed because I’m worn, hurried and busy. I mean “regular life” doesn’t stop just because your kid is graduating. And there are 2 other girls in the house who cause their own set of emotions.   I cried dropping my youngest off at her last day of 8th grade this morning. I cried because it’s ending…but also because she’s my last and going to be in High School next year. And I cried with my middle, who was sad over not doing well on a final. And I’m crying because my baby boy isn’t a baby anymore, and he’s graduating!  In just hours!

The tears, they are healthy. Necessary. And they are flowing.

So here’s what I have to say to you, Mom who is walking the same walk as me, Momma who’s just steps behind, and/or Momma who’s “still wishing they were older and I had a moment to myself”:

Don’t wish the days away. Be fully present. And savor.

Whatever is trying to rob your time, steal your joy, hijack your presence – Stop It! Because your time will come. Your countdown to High School Graduation WILL be here before you know it. And I don’t want you to look back and wish you’d spent more time, missed less, been there more. I want you to have no regrets.

I want this warning to settle in deep – into your Momma soul. We can never get the days back. And the most important job we have is to Be.

Be present. Be available. Be willing. Be in the moment. Be Mom.

Mind you, I didn’t say – be perfect. I didn’t say, be guilty. I didn’t say be superwoman. Because in the end, your kids won’t remember so much what you said, or didn’t say at the perfect time as much as they will remember you were there.

Not all of us have the luxury of being home full time or part-time, (and there’s days that isn’t a luxury, believe me!) Your vocation is important, I know. But then, when you are home, BE home. When you are on the sidelines, BE on the sidelines. When you are on the floor playing, BE on the floor playing. When you are in the car driving, BE in the conversation. When you are next to the bed praying, BE next to the bed praying.

Okay. Now that you’ve had my lecture… (hey, I’ve earned it – my kid’s graduating tomorrow!) I will leave you with this important reminder I received from a friend yesterday,

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…” Isaiah 30:15

In these next few days, I will also turn to God, whose strength is my only hope.  I will do my best to find quiet.  To lean into Him, and trust he’s got this covered.

And as the graduation comes and goes, and the family comes and goes, I will be here. I will be fully present in every single moment, and every single tear. I will savor and cherish.

I’m so glad they warned me. I feel prepared. I have no regrets.